Social media post claiming that the central government is offering Rs 1,60,000 to girls under the PM Ladli Laxmi Yojana has been debunked as fake news. The message, which circulated widely, suggested that every daughter would receive this cash amount from the government. However, the Press Information Bureau, the government's fact-checking arm, clarified on X, formerly known as Twitter, that such claims are false, stating, "No such scheme is being run by the Central Government."


”It is being claimed in a #YouTube video that a cash amount of Rs 1,60,000 is being given by the central government to all daughters under PM Ladli Laxmi Yojana is fake.”

The Ladli Laxmi Yojana is indeed a scheme aimed at supporting the welfare of girls. Initially introduced by the Government of Madhya Pradesh in 2007 and later expanded to six additional states, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Goa, the scheme focuses on improving the economic and educational status of families and combating female infanticide.

Under the Ladli Laxmi Yojana, girls registered in the program receive assistance with educational expenses, encouraging families to send them to school. However, benefits are contingent upon the girls' continued education; those who drop out will not qualify for the scheme.