Have you ever thought that the companies making packaged junk food lay such a trap on the basis of tempting and misleading marketing that children easily get trapped in it? Nutrition Advocacy for Public Interest i.e. NAPi, a think tank working on nutrition, has exposed the lies of companies making junk food.


NAPi, in collaboration with the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, collected samples of 43 packaged food products available in India. All types of Junk Food including Juice, Cookies, Chocolate, Health Drinks, Chips, Ice Cream, Instant Noodles and Pizza were included in these Pre Packaged Junk Food. 

Lab tests were conducted to check the amount of Sugar, Total Fat and Sodium in these products. The results that have come are stated in a 116-page report released with the title of The Junk Push.

Out of 43, there were 8 products in which Sugar, Total Fat and Sodium were found in excess. Sugar was found in excess in 31 out of 43 items. Total fat was more in 29

Whereas sodium was found in excess in 19 things. That means almost all the Junk Food Products available in the market have failed in the Health Test. But despite this, both the demand and supply of these products are increasing rapidly, what is the reason for this? 

If you ask any company, you will not get the answer. These companies resort to various types of illusions and lies to hide the truth about their products. To make them appear healthy, harmful substances like salt, sugar and saturated fat are given different names and printed on the packets.

To target children, misleading advertisements use celebrity endorsements, emotional appeals and non-verified study reports.

Dr Arun Gupta, Convener, NAPi said, "This mixture of fat, sugar and sodium i.e. salt together fills the body with junk. Scientific research proves this. Due to the habit of eating junk food, a person consumes 500 calories more than required every day."

"Within two weeks, the weight of a person eating junk food increases by 900 grams. Studies also prove that every 10 percent more consumption of packaged junk food increases the risk of diabetes by 15 percent. And the risk of untimely death due to heart disease and heart attack also increases significantly. But companies try to show their products as healthy and people also fall into the trap and play with their health." he also added.