Delhi police have issued a detailed action plan to control the sale and the bursting of firecrackers.
Updated : Nov 10, 2020, 09:32 PM IST
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on November 5 announced the ban on the use of firecrackers in the national capital after reviewing the situation. "Coronavirus cases have increased due to the festival season and pollution. It was decided to ban crackers in Delhi and ramp up medical infrastructure, among other measures," he said.
Kejriwal also appealed to people to not use firecrackers this Diwali for the safety of their kids and family.
Now, Delhi police have issued a detailed action plan to control the sale and the bursting of firecrackers.
Districts DCsP will constitute a police station-wise team to supervise the implementation of the NGT order with regard to the sale and use of firecrackers. Further, DCsP shall constitute flying squads at the district level to check any sale by licensed or unlicensed sellers in the district.
All permanent licenses, issued by the Licencing Unit as well as Joint CCE, Faridabad are to be suspended and licensees be informed in writing. The inventory and stock registers should be checked regularly to prevent any sale/diversion of the stock. A team of licensing unit will undertake supervise inspection in this regard.
Station House Officers (SHOs) will constitute special teams to prevent bursting of firecrackers before, during and after Diwali. The beat staff is required to be properly sensitized so that they ensure that no bursting takes place in their areas of responsibility.
Moreover, school authorities conducting online classes have been approached to brief and motivate the students not to burst crackers.
District DCsP should ensure proper legal action under appropriate sections of law against violators.