Seven positive cases of Mycoplasma pneumonia, also known as "walking pneumonia," have been tested over a six-month period, from April to September, at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi.


In response to media reports suggesting a connection between these instances and the sudden rise in respiratory issues in China, the Centre made it clear on Thursday that the claims were “misleading and untrue”.

The Union Health Ministry released a statement that stated, "It is clarified that these seven cases have no link whatsoever to the recent surge in respiratory infections in children reported from some parts of the world, including China".

In addition, the statement stated that seven cases found during six months (April to September 2023) as part of the current research at AIIMS Delhi are not alarming. As of January 2023, no Mycoplasma pneumonia has been found in any of the 611 samples examined at the Department of Microbiology, AIIMS Delhi, as part of the ICMR's multiple respiratory pathogen surveillance. Most of these samples, or approximately 95% of them, were tested for severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) using real-time PCR.

What is 'walking pneumonia'?

The health ministry claims that between 15 and 30 percent of illnesses are caused by mycoplasma pneumonia, the primary bacterial cause of community-acquired pneumonia. It underlined, "Nowhere in India has such a surge been reported."

The ministry further stated, "The Union Health Ministry is in regular contact with state health authorities and is keeping a close eye on the situation." The health ministry stated on November 24 that India is keeping a careful eye on cases of pneumonia in children that have been reported in China and is ready to handle any emergency.

It also stated that, based on the assessment that has been made thus far, there is not a significant risk to India. Ever since the end of November, China has been experiencing an increase in respiratory diseases, raising fears of a potential pandemic.

The matter gained attention last week when the Programme for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) reported on clusters of paediatric pneumonia cases that went undetected, prompting the World Health Organisation (WHO) to request additional information from China.

According to recent reports, there is no indication of any new infectious diseases and the rise is caused by undiscovered bacteria. Mycoplasma pneumonia, which has increased in other nations as well, is one cause for concern regarding the rise in respiratory illnesses.

Mycoplasma pneumonia, commonly referred to as "walking pneumonia," is not a disease that has to be reported to the WHO, according to a WHO representative. 

(With inputs from agencies)