A newborn — declared dead in a shocking case of negligence by a team of doctors at Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital — was found alive minutes before he was to be buried. The angry parents and family members created ruckus at the hospital and filed a complaint with the police.


The family of South Delhi's Badarpur area told the police that after the baby boy's birth on Sunday morning, the nursing staff of the central government hospital found him unresponsive, and declared him dead. "When the child was given to the parents, the baby was wrapped and labelled. The child's father, identified later as Rohit, took the baby home, while the mother, whose condition was not stable, remained admitted in the hospital," said an officer.

"It was when the child's father along with his other family members started preparing for a burial that they realised there were some movements in the pack," the officer said.

When they opened the pack, they found that the child was moving. They immediately called the police, and the baby was rushed to Apollo Hospital. Once declared fit and stable, the baby was again shifted to Safdarjung Hospital for further treatment.

The father told the police that if there had been even a 30-minute delay in movement, the family would have buried the child. "This is sheer negligence and legal action shall be taken against the hospital staff responsible," he said.

"An inquiry committee has been set up. It seems to be a case of abortion as the baby weighed just 400 grams. Any baby below 500 grams is not fit to survive," said hospital superintendent Dr AK Rai.

This is the third "baby controversy" case reported from the hospital this year. Earlier this month, a couple had alleged that doctors exchanged their baby boy with a girl. The mother also alleged that doctors used on her an intrauterine device — meant to prevent pregnancy — without her permission. A complaint was filed with the police.

In January, the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) issued a notice to the hospital and the Delhi police and sought an explanation on the complaint of a woman, who alleged that she delivered twins at the hospital but was handed over only one child.


  • The father said that if there had been even a 30-minute delay in movement, the family would have buried the child.