The Communist Party of India (CPI) on Friday condemned the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras' action against a student group for allegedly spreading 'hatred' against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and said people have a right to criticise the government."I strongly condemn the action taken by the IIT authorities in Chennai against a student group. This is an outrageous and discriminatory action against particular group of students…Even if they accuse Prime Minister Modi and his government, then what is the problem. Dissent is a part of our democracy. People have right to criticize the government of the day," CPI national secretary D Raja said.Meanwhile, Ramesh, an APSC member and IIT Madras student, said they have a constitutional right to hold discussions."There is no explanation in mail as to why they de-recognised the body. We explained that we have a constitutional right to discuss…Whatever we discuss is according to the Constitution," he said."We were told that we were de-recognized and told that we can't hurt the feelings of the masses. Rational thought is being demolished, only superstition and pseudo science are being allowed," said another IIT Madras student who is also a part of the APSC.The IIT Madras has come down heavily on the Ambedkar Periyar Study Circle (APSC) after a Union Human Resource Development Ministry's letter to the institution's director about the student group'sinvolvement in spreading 'hatred' against Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The Ministry had cited an anonymous letter received by them describing the activities of the student group in question.