Amidst the lockdown triggered by the coronavirus scare, a Delhi-NCR based company launched an initiative called ‘Mission Elderly First’, shouldering the responsibility of catering to the needs of the senior citizens by providing them with groceries and medicine at their doorstep.


As we all know that the elders are at a higher risk of severe illness if infected, therefore the volunteers of the Emoha Elder Care are taking all the necessary precautions while carrying out their responsibility.

We are very particular that we follow all the precautions. We make sure that we keep a distance of 6 feet from elders' homes, where we go for delivery and do not enter their houses," a volunteer of the company, Sama Beig said.

The CEO of Emoha, Saumyajit Roy said that elders at home can also call their helpline number for doctors and interactive sessions.

Those who want to volunteer can register with the company’s website, and they will be asked to get groceries and medicines for the elders, the CEO of the company added.

The ultimate mission is that elders should stay at home, safe and comfortable,” Beig said.

The nation is in a complete lockdown till April 14 in view of the coronavirus pandemic and everything except for essential services will remain closed.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown as the last resort to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Experts and the experience of countries fighting the deadly virus make it clear that social distancing is the only way to combat the disease.