Finally, the Congress and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) have realised together they can stay afloat and take on mighty BJP in Maharashtra in the run-up to the next assembly election slated for 2019.


Both the parties have also hinted that together they can pose a formidable challenge to BJP led government in the state especially when the rift between the BJP and Shiv Sena is widening. They do feel that with a combined fight they will be in a position to regain lost grounds. Both initiated exercise to remove trust deficit and revive friendship.

After successive defeats in the local and civic body elections by BJP, the Congress and NCP have decided to together go to the voters, hit the roads and mobilize support against the disenchantment of the saffron party-led government in the state. Interestingly, Congress and NCP have hinted that they are not averse to help Shiv Sena or seek latter’s support against BJP.

As a part of a joint exercise, Congress and NCP will organise morcha on December 12, the second day of the two-week monsoon session at Nagpur. Incidentally, December 12 is birthday of NCP chief and former Union Minister Sharad Pawar who has agreed to address the joint rally.

Besides, Congress and NCP propose to jointly field a strong candidate in the election to the state legislative council slated for December 7. There are indications that they may rope in Shiv Sena to give a tough fight against BJP. The sole objective of the trio is to defeat former chief minister Narayan Rane if he is fielded by BJP in the council election. Rane has recently left Congress, floated his own outfit to support the NDA.

State Congress president Ashok Chavan told DNA,"There is a growing resentment against the BJP led government in the state. As a responsible Opposition, Congress, NCP and other liked minded parties will flag off prevailing issues such as plight of farmers including rising farmers suicides, goof up in the implementation of ambitious farm loan waiver scheme, burgeoning malnutrition deaths, slow pace of investment flow, lack of job creation and deteriorating law and order.’’ He hoped that opposition will also bring to the notice of voters that the government was busy in making mere announcements but its performance at the ground level is quite miserable.

Jayant Patil, group leader of NCP in the state assembly admitted that Congress and NCP are well placed to encash resentment against the government at the Centre and in Maharashtra.

"The people on the ground have realised that the government has failed to fulfil its poll promises and they feel that they have been deceived by the present establishment. Both Congress and NCP have proposed to jointly take on the BJP led government in and outside the state legislature,’’ he noted.

State Congress party spokesman Ratnakar Mahajan, however, cautioned that the electoral understanding between Congress and NCP will be considered in due course of time but at this juncture both will have to encash unrest among the public. “This unity of action will lead to more cohesion among the two,’’ he opined.