Dubbing union home minister Rajnath Singh’s statement on NRC as unsatisfactory and raising more questions than giving answers, the Congress on Monday asked the government to call an all party meeting to resolve the crisis. 


“The Government must inform all the political party leaders of the situation what steps it proposes to undertake and mention the disposal of all methods. Families should not be separated nor people taken to any camp, should be kept in abeyance. We believe after the Home Minister’s statement that will happen,” said Anand Sharma.

Sharma said Singh’s statement itself proves that the government has committed mistakes in compiling the NRC and that is why he has clarified that people can give their objections. 

The Congress that along with TMC took the government head on in the parliament over the draft NRC missing out over 40 lakh names, said the issue has affected indigenous people of Assam, Bengal, Tripura and Meghalaya who have been living there since 1950 or before.

“Overwhelming majority of the people excluded had more than one identity documents out of the 16 prescribed. This raises question about the methodology, efficiency as well as credibility of the entire process. The moot question is if the Government has presented the matter correctly as the Government of the Union should do before the Supreme Court? That jury is still out,” said Sharma.

He asked the government to refrain from politics since the issue has inter-state dimension, repercussion, also a humanitarian crisis aspect and relations with our neighbouring country especially Bangladesh.

“That is what we would advise and request the ruling party, which is in Government in that State and also in the State of Tripura,” said Sharma. 

The Congress also asked the government not to run away from debates on important issues troubling the country such as mob lynching leading to fear psychosis among minorities and Dalits, economic instability leading to joblessness and slowdown in manufacturing sector and Rafale scam. 

Sharma also questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech in Lucknow in which he attacked Congress for calling industrialists thieves and dacoits. 

“We never questioned his meeting with industrialists but we did question his close proximity to scamsters like Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi and lalit Modi who are on the run,” said Sharma.