NEW DELHI: With its passage by the US Senate just a matter of a few days, Congress plans to turn the Indo-US nuclear deal as a major election issue for the forthcoming polls projecting the 123 agreement as an "unparalleled milestone" for India.
"It is a major achievement and would be an important issue for the polls," Congress spokesman Manish Tewari said here.
He said if one goes 50 kms away from Delhi, electricity is an important issue for the people. "The deal ensures that people get electricity and this makes it an important issue," he said.
Asked about the Samajwadi Party taking credit for the deal by placing full page advertisements in the newspapers, Tewari said there was nothing wrong with it.    

"The Congress put its government at stake by going ahead with the deal and at that time the SP came out to support the government," he said.
Criticising BJP Prime Ministerial candidate L K Advani's statement that Manmohan Singh was the weakest Prime Minister, Tewari said the achievements on the nuclear deal front without any strings attached was done by the same Prime Minister.
"Even Atal Behari Vajpayee could not do what the PM has done in 3 years and 3 months," said Tewari referring to the time span of the deal.
The Congress also released a 15-point summary on what the nuclear deal has done to the country and its potential in making India a major world power.

A senior leader also sought to give credit to the Left parties saying their concerns helped the government get a better deal.
The statement of the leader who did not want to be identified is significant as it came on a day when CPI(M) General Secretary Prakash Karat criticised the deal again.
There is also a talk in the Congress circles that the deal should be celebrated to take political mileage. There are also suggestions that the Prime Minister should address a press conference after his return on the achievements following the deal.