Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, IBPS  has released the has released the score for prelims exams for IBPS PO. The exam was held last month and now the result has been published on the official website. The result will be available on the website till November 18,2018. 


The result for all candidates, those who have crossed the cut-off and those who have failed to do so, are now available online. However, it needs to be remembered that the test result for prelims will not be taken into account for the final selection. The next step is the main exam which is IBPS PO Mains 2018 followed by the interview round. These two will be determining the final position of a candidate who wants to get the job of a probationary officer. 

Here are steps to check IBPS PO prelims score 2018: 

On the official website, click on the link for  IBPS PO Prelims 2018 Scores. 

A new window will open, where you need to input the registration number and your date of birth 

You can login after providing the details. And can check the result. 

Keep a print out of the result for future reference.