BHUBANESWAR: A local court on Saturday granted bail to Biranchi Maharana, who was arrested on charge of assaulting Indian cricket coach Greg Chappell after breaking the security cordon at the Bhubaneswar airport on January 22.

Maharana, who had been arrested immediately after the January 22 incident, had said that he was protesting against the non-inclusion of players from Orissa in the Indian cricket team.

Police said after the incident that around 50 activists of 'Kalinga Sena' outfit had gathered outside the airport but were pushed out by the police, but Maharana somehow managed to position himself among the cameramen and photo-journalists.

As members of the India and West Indies team arrived at the airport for the Cuttack one-dayer on January 24 and were walking towards buses parked outside, Maharana suddenly lunged towards Chappell and allegedly tried to grab him from behind.

A member of the Orissa Cricket Association (OCA) had claimed that the man appeared to fall on Chappell who moved away.