Walk down to the otherwise quite corner of Cept's basement and you will be taken aback by the unusual hustle and bustle there these days. The area, which is normally utilised for exhibiting class work, or as a corner to catch up on meals and completing class work has turned into an annual Interactive Studio — a platform for interaction for around 150 master degree students — to put their heads together on the theme, the 'Future of Ahmedabad'.


The workshop or studio exercise's speciality is that students from all discipline are participating and working on the same project. The studio exercise that kick-started last week aims to understand different parts of Ahmedabad, its past as well as to work out strategies for the future. The students are divided in to five groups and sent to different areas of city including Maninagar, Bopal, Ellisbridge, Astodia and Narol to mention a few.

Sharing information about the studio that is being coordinated by Prof Neelkanth Chhaya, student coordinator Manali said, that at the end of the workshop they will come out with vision for the city's future. As part of the workshop, five topics that have been selected include dwelling environment, work on environment, educational and cultural environment, recreational environment and religious, civil, historical environment.

A master in structural design student and participant in the studio, Dipika Chaudhary said that they are studying area from Astodia to Narol. "We identify education point in the areas - be it school, colleges, and mosque - where students of the area go for studies. We try and understand history of the area, current condition and change it has undergone so far. After studying this, we will try and analyze future implications of the area," she said.

The studio will continue till December 30 and expected to generate some solution for the areas that are under study.