The Centre will decide on the issue of service fee imposed by Pakistan for the Kartarpur Corridor service, after the assembly elections in the states of Maharashtra and Haryana, sources reported on Thursday.


Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said on Thursday that India has in the meantime urged Pakistan to reconsider the $20 service fee that they have imposed on pilgrims for the use of the Corridor that leads to the Kartarpur Sahib Gurdwara.

On being asked if the agreement on the Kartarpur Corridor has been finalised yet, especially owing to the fact that Prime Minister Modi is supposed to inaugurate the project on November 8 and the online registrations for the pilgrimage are slated to start even earlier, from October 20, Kumar said that an agreement has been reached on all issues, except on the service fee. "After several rounds of discussion with Pakistan, we've reached an agreement on all issues, except service fee. Pakistan insists on levying a fee of USD 20 (approx. Rs. 1420) on all pilgrims," the MEA spokesperson said.

"We've urged Pakistan not to do so in the interests of devotees and also because this is an important people-to-people initiative taken by India to commemorate the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Devji. We hope that the agreement can be concluded and signed in time for the great event," he added.

The fee that is being imposed by Pakistan for use of a pilgrimage site like the Kartarpur corridor was deemed as too high by Indian diplomats. Earlier, it was reported that in the final draft for the Kartarpur Corridor discussions, Pakistan decided to retain the $20 fee despite vehement opposition from the Indian side. The fee is being imposed from the moment of entry into the corridor, through the transportation process and till the exit.

After the registrations start from October 20, India will eventually formulate a list of pilgrims who will visit the Kartarpur Sahib in the first instance. The tentative date for the opening of the Kartarpur Corridor to the pilgrims is being put, according to reports, as of November 9.

The corridor, 4.2 km in length, will be opened for the pilgrims on November 9, marking the occasion of the 550th Prakash Purb celebrations of Guru Nanak.

It will facilitate visa-free movement of Indian pilgrims.

(With Zee Media newsroom inputs)