With a pass percentage of 96.36 %, girls outshone boys in the CBSE Class X exams results of which were declared today.


The boys registered a pass percentage of 96.11%.

Overall the pass percentage this year is 96.21, which has come down from 97.32 percent in the previous year.

Area-wise, the Thiruvanathpuram area was ahead of other regions with a pass percentage of 99.87 followed by Chennai region which had a pass percentage of 99.69 percent.

A total of 14,91,293 candidates were registered for Class X examination, an increase of about 8.5% candidates over last year.

Category wise, the Central Government run Jawahar Navodyaya Vidyalayas have scored a pass percentage of 98.87 % followed by Kendriya Vidyalayas which have a pass percentage of 98.85 %.

Independent schools have a pass percentage of 97.72 % while government schools recorded a pass percentage of 86.61 %.

According to data shared by CBSE, 85.62 percent students of Government aided schools cleared the exam.

Students can follow these steps to check the CBSE 10th Results 2016 -

1. Via e-mail ids registered with CBSE for CBSE X Results 2016

2. Via the Board's websites www.cbseresults.nic.in and www.cbse.nic.in.

3. Via the website www.results.nic.in