Mother Teresa was very clear about abortion, how can she (Hillary) use Mother Teresa's picture, it is very bad, I protest. I deplore it, you cannot misuse someone's good image.” —Thomas  Sequeira, A Catholic Bishop

Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama was forced to apologise for circulating a memo linking rival Hillary Clinton’s financial ties with India dubbing her as a Democratic Senator from Punjab. Now, it is the turn of Senator Hillary Clinton to de-link her campaign from another Indian connection.

Hillary has been forced to remove the images of her with Mother Teresa from her campaign material for the 2008 US presidential elections in the wake of protests from Kolkata-based Missionaries of Charity and some Church groups in India and the US.
Church sources said Catholic groups and MC termed the use of Blessed Mother Teresa’s image as “inappropriate and disturbing.” They said the original advertisement has since been taken out of Hillary’s campaign website. “In the amended version an image of elephant is shown over the words ‘in Africa, in India’.”

What is galling for the Catholic groups is that Blessed Mother Teresa has been strongly opposed to abortion, something which the Clintons stood for.

 Deploring the Clintons’ move to cash in on Blessed Mother Teresa’s image, Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) deputy secretary general Father Thomas Sequeira said “Mother Teresa was very clear about abortion, how can she (Hillary) use Mother Teresa’s picture, it is very bad, I protest. I deplore it, you cannot misuse someone’s good image.”

Mother Teresa had expressed her opposition to abortion even to Clinton who held radically different views on it, Father Sequeira added. Sister Nirmala Joshi, Superior General of Missionaries of Charity, was not available for comment. When contacted, Sister Christi refused to comment saying that Sister Nirmla Joshi could react to the incident, but she was out of the country.

Church sources said New York Senator’s spokesman told US media that the picture was being removed at the request of the Missionaries of

The original five-minute campaign advertisement reportedly shows former President Bill Clinton talking about his wife. “Hillary in effect, was the face of America- in Africa, in India.”