A day after the shameful escape of three terror convicts from Foreigner Regional Registration Office (FRRO) custody, the Delhi Police on Sunday announced a cash reward of Rs 50,000 for anybody providing a clue leading to their re-arrest.The probe has been transferred to the Delhi police’s anti-terrorist unit. Photographs of the convicts were released by Delhi Police and a red alert sounded across the country, especially the entry and exit points from where they might try to escape.The Union home ministry has also shown its displeasure over the incident and sought a report from the Delhi Police. “Officers responsible for this will face disciplinary action,” warned a senior home ministry official.Delhi Lieutenant Governor Tejinder Khanna has also ordered an inquiry into the incident. The inquiry will be conducted by a deputy commissioner rank official.The trio was being escorted by a lone sub-inspector, Dino Moni Singh. They were not handcuffed as they had served their prison term and were to be deported to Pakistan soon. The trio — Abdul Razzak, Mohammed Sadiq and Rafaqat Ali — were in the custody of FRRO, a wing of the Intelligence Bureau. Police said Razzak was a resident of Narwal, Rafaqat was from Lahore and Sadiq from Sialkot.The convicts escaped when they were taken to Guru Nanak Eye Centre in central Delhi and then to a restaurant called Ambika in Kotwali area. “After having lunch they were heading back to their escort vehicle when Singh went to answer nature’s call. That is when the trio vanished,” said a senior Delhi Police officer.The police are also speaking to the owner of Ambika where the terrorists had lunch. The three convicts were arrested in 2000 for carrying out blasts near Red Fort. The crime branch had then seized 17 kilograms of RDX and 50 kilograms of heroin from their custody.