Thirty-year-old Brian Andrew Adair has a spring in his step. The Canadian, a ‘super morbid obese’, is on his way to shedding more than half his 200 kg weight — thanks to surgery performed in India.

“I feel great and I am very happy,” Adair said as he was discharged from the Artemis Health Institute in Gurgaon.

“As I suffered from severe obesity (body mass index of 85, normal is 25), it was hindering my personal life. Doctors also warned I risked getting multiple health problems,” said Adair, a civil contractor.

“I was told to go through weight-reducing surgery. But I found that it would take another two years to undergo surgery in Canada because of the long waiting list.”
Adair came to India on January 8 and two days later underwent a three-hour-long surgery. Doctors were ready to discharge him on January 12, but he insisted on staying
another day.

He found the success rate of sleeve gastrectomy surgery in Artemis high and contacted Deep Goel, head of its minimal invasive and bariatric surgery. Another reason he chose India was that it cost him less. “It was much cheaper as compared to the West. He just spent Rs 300,000 here,” his doctor said.

And he’ll lose not just his weight but also his hunger pangs. He is confident he will not be in danger of attracting diabetes and cardiovascular ailments now. Happily announcing that he has “no appetite”, Adair said he is on a liquid diet for a few days and is surprised with the quick recovery. “In less than 24 hours, my life has been transformed. I did not know how to get out of this vicious cycle of eating and weight gain.”

Adair now looks to a better future when he will weigh only 80 or 90 kg. “I would be able to socialise and have a better personal life,” said Adair, who will be leaving India on January 18 after visiting Agra.