AMC aims to complete the restoration work in two phases, incurring a cost of Rs1.2-1.5 crore. The first phase involves restructuring of the basement of the geodesic dome at Rs42 lakh, while the second phase will see repair of the entire structure at Rs60-70 lakh.When Buckminster Fuller, a renowned designer and “futurist” of America, envisaged the Calico Dome in Ahmedabad, he hadn’t imagined the shambolic state it is in right now; neither had Gautam Sarabhai and his team of architects who gave shape to Fuller’s dome. But Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has woken up to the miseries of the dome that once was the epitome of this city’s economic prowess. Restoration work of the dome will begin mid-January.


Not only this, the civic body plans to begin the heritage walk from the uniquely-designed structure.

The civic body aims to complete the restoration work of Calico Dome in two phases, incurring a cost of Rs1.2-1.5 crore. The first phase involves restructuring of the basement of the geodesic dome (spherical, partial-spherical or lattice shell structure based on network of circles on surface of a sphere) at Rs42 lakh, while the second phase will see repair of the entire structure at Rs60-70 lakh.

Calico Dome is a unique geodesic structure with a five-pointed dome, which is spread 12 metres across. Geodesic domes are generally six or eight-pointed structures.

“This dome has a huge hall, which was used as a showroom. We have ample scope to design its interiors into a mini-museum for heritage,” said an official of the civic body, requesting anonymity.

Plans to start the heritage walk from the restored structure will further enhance importance of the dome. “The dome will help us brief participants (of the heritage walk) about route of the heritage walk and the monuments,” said the official. The walk, at present, begins from Swaminarayan Temple of Kalupur. “Its office is on the first floor of the temple, which makes it difficult for senior citizens to attend the introductory session in the premises. Also, the office is too small to accommodate all participants,” added the official.

In fact, AMC’s heritage department recently held a meeting to discuss proposal of starting the heritage walk from Calico Dome.

Though no consensus was arrived at, chances are high that the suggestion will be approved. A final decision is expected once restoration is complete, which approximately will take two years.