The BJP today hit out at US secretary of state Hillary Clinton's remarks that 'Pakistan's struggles were my struggles', saying it "belies an utter disregard for facts and history".It also attacked the US for refusing to deport Pakistani-American David Headley, who had confessed to his role in the Mumbai attacks, terming it as "a slap on the Indian government"."Clinton's comment is completely amazing, imprudent and a statement that belies an utter disregard for the facts andhistory," BJP spokesperson Tarun Vijay said.


"If Pakistan is fighting US's struggles, which is a tacit admission of the withering Jihadi state becoming a US subterfuge, who's struggling for ending terrorism in the region and strengthening democratic elements?" he asked. 

Earlier, Clinton during her meet with Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said in Washington, "Pakistan isclose to my heart. Pakistan's struggles are my struggles and Iam committed to the success of this dialogue."The manner in which US government has "refused" to deport Headley for interrogation in the Mumbai terror attack case was"a slap on the government", the BJP spokesperson said."Does this sense of 'joint struggle' make US deny India access to Headley, who is primarily India's offender?" he asked. "US can pressurise India and give dictation to those in power..."The BJP leader asserted that a US intelligence report had said 9/11 accused Osama bin Laden could be hiding in Pakistan and asked if sheltering Osama and keeping silent on Kasab's accomplices were a "part of Hillary's struggle"."When US was struck on 9/11, it was willing to go to any corner of the earth and 'smoke out the culprits'. But with regard to 26/11, it wears a saintly preacher attitude exposing its double standards. Did Hillary take up India's 26/11 with Pakistan and urged it to cooperate with India?" Vijay said.

He asked if US was also a part of "sponsoring of terror against India by Pakistan".