A highly volatile political atmosphere has taken over Bihar as the spurious liquor tragedy continues to unfold in Saran district. The death toll had risen to 65 till afternoon on Friday. More victims are battling for their lives in hospitals and it is feared that the death toll may rise.  


The reports of a sharp rise in the deaths came on Friday when the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) took cognizance and served notice to the Bihar government asking for a report within 4 weeks. It also raised concerns on Bihar government’s liquor ban, saying the mass deaths show it has been unable to enforce prohibition successfully. 

While deaths climbed to over 60, CM Nitish Kumar stuck to his hard line on the issue, saying those dying after consuming spurious alcohol will be offered no compensation. The BJP-led opposition has heavily criticised Kumar-led government on the deaths. 

“No compensation will be provided to people who die after consuming spurious liquor. We have been appealing to you not to drink. If you drink, you will die. Those who speak against prohibition will not bring any good to the people," Nitish Kumar said in the Bihar Assembly on Friday. This comes a day after the Bihar CM said that, "Those consuming spurious liquor will die."

Meanwhile, a plea has been filed in the Supreme Court which seeks an independent special investigation team (SIT) investigation into the hooch mass deaths.

The villagers have also alleged that the liquor that the district police seized and stored inside the police station were later sold to the liquor mafia. Videos recorded by them of bottles with caps open and alcohol missing were widely shared on social media. Samples of the liquor have been sent for lab testing by the probe team.

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(With inputs from ANI, IANS, PTI)