The Madhya Pradesh High Court on Tuesday sought replies within three days from the Centre and the state government on a plea challenging the ASI order that allowed Muslims and Hindus to worship at the disputed Bhojshala monument in Dhar district at different times of the day on Basant Panchami being celebrated coming Friday.


The Indore bench of the High Court, comprising Justices P K Jaiswal and J K Jain, served notices to the Centre and the state, seeking their replies. The bench was hearing a petition filed by Arun Singh Thakur (24), a resident of Dhar, who has sought quashing of the ASI order.

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) order says that on Basant Panchami, Hindus will perform puja at Bhojshala from sunrise to 12 noon and from 3.30 pm to sunset on, while Muslims will offer namaz between 1 pm and 3 pm. The order had been issued by ASI Director General Rakesh Tiwari on January 20, 2016, under Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958 and Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rule 1959.

Hindus consider Bhojshala as the temple of Goddess Wagdevi (Saraswati), whereas Muslims treat it as Kamal Moula mosque.

In the normal course, Hindus are allowed to perform puja on Tuesdays, while Muslims offer namaz on Fridays. The structure is open to all on rest of the days. However, with Basant Panchami and Friday namaz overlapping on February 12, both sides are refusing to give up their access to the 11th century AD monument, which many dub as "mini-Ayodhya".

A similar crisis had erupted at the Bhojshala in 2003, 2006 and 2013, when Basant Panchami and Friday namaz coincided.

Manish Yadav, counsel for the petitioner, told reporters here that "The ASI order is illegal, arbitrary and malicious. As per government records, Hindus and Muslims have separate places of worship at Bhojshala premises. But the ASI has vitiated the atmosphere by giving permission to Muslims to offer Namaz at Hindus' place of worship. As a result, the common people of both the communities and authorities were facing problems."

Tension has been brewing in Dhar for the last one month in the run-up to the festival as members of both the communities could not arrive at a mutually agreeable solution over paying obeisance as per their respective faith at the protected archaeological structure.

Meanwhile, representatives of Muslim community in Dhar today met senior police officials and sought action against members of a right wing Hindu organisation for raising "anti-Muslim" slogans during its rally held there yesterday.