NEW DELHI: As the government mulls opening up legal services for foreign firms under WTO framework, sharp differences have emerged within the legal fraternity with domestic law firms supporting liberalisation while lawyers' association opposing any such move.

While most domestic law firms who responded to a PTI questionnaire favoured greater competition but with necessary checks and balances, Bar Council of India and other advocates who have their own practice opposed the move on the grounds that it would jeopardise the growth of the profession.

The questionnaire sought to know reactions on the consultation paper floated by the Commerce Ministry recently on liberalising the sector to firm up India's position at services negotiations in World Trade Organisation.

India has not made any commitment on legal services in WTO neither has it permitted FDI, but the US, EU, Japan and other countries have asked New Delhi to open up the sector.

"We support the move to open the legal sector... entry of foreign law firms will enhance the level of service currently offered in India and there would be more responsibility and
accountability towards clients," Som Mandal, partner in India's largest law firm FoxMandal Little, said.

Echoing his views, other law firms such as Lex Nexus, Kachwaha & Partners and S Jalan and Co supported the move to open up the sector. This is particularly essential when Indian companies are setting up overseas operations and acquiring global companies, they said.

However, Bar Council of India Chairperson Jaganath Patnaik said: "We are opposed to opening up the sector as this would ruin the Indian legal system. We have already submitted our comments to the government."