The Ram Lalla idol was successfully moved into the innermost chamber of the Ram temple on Wednesday night, as stated by Nripendra Mishra, the chairperson of the Shri Ram Mandir Construction Committee.


The 51-inch idol of Ram Lalla, crafted by Arun Yogiraj, was initially positioned at the entrance of the Sanctum Sanctorum on Wednesday and was later relocated inside the Sanctum this morning.

Following the Ganeshambika Pujan, along with the chanting of mantras, including the recitation of "Ayushmantra," the next step involves installing the idol on a throne through the "Mandap Pravesh" rituals. The ritual sequence includes "Jaladhivas" (purifying the idol with water), Gandhadivas (sprinkling the idol with various essences), and an evening arti dedicated to the new idol. Prior to this, the throne undergoes purification with Panchgavya, consisting of five elements—milk, ghee, cow dung, gau mutra, and curd. Subsequently, the "Vastu Pujan" of the mandap will be conducted to ensure the "Vastu shanti" of the location, and a Yagya will commence within the premises.Here are the LIVE updates:

PM Modi releases commemorative postage stamps on Ram Temple in Ayodhya

- All public sector banks, and insurance companies to remain closed till 2:30 pm on January 22: Govt

- The central government has announced a half-day closing till 2:30 pm on January 22 at all Central Government offices, Central institutions and Central industrial establishments throughout India on the occasion of Ram Temple Pran Pratishtha ceremony.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday released commemorative postage stamps on the Ram Temple of Ayodhya and a book of stamps dedicated to Lord Ram issued by countries across the world.

Components of the design of the stamps include the Ram Temple, choupai (the verse) 'Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari', the sun, the Saryu River and sculptures in and around the temple.

The six commemorative stamps released today include those of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Lord Ganesh, Lord Hanuman, Jatayu, Kevatraj and Ma Shabri- each key figures and symbols associated with Lord Ram's narrative.

The use of gold leaf detailing the sun rays and chaupai featured on the stamps lend a majestic touch to the stamps.