In this exclusive interview with DNA, thriller author and columnist Fawaz Jaleel delves deeper into his latest novel's delightful nuances and opens up about his relentless passion for writing, creative process, forthcoming projects, and more. When Fawaz is not working on his novels, he moonlights as a public speaker. Edited excerpts:


Can you provide us with an overview of your latest mystery thriller novel, including its main characters and the central genre?

In my latest work, "Insiders versus Outsiders," released this February, I delve deeper into the world I first explored in my debut novel, "Nobody Likes An Outsider," which was warmly received and started the Yohan Tytler mystery series. This new instalment continues the journey of Yohan Tytler, the tenacious CBI investigator, and his skilled team members, Sukumar Azhagu and Ila Qureshi. While the first book unfolded in the political landscape of Begusarai, this sequel expands its canvas to Mumbai, Delhi, and Assam, unravelling the mysterious death of Mekhala Thampi, a literary agent at the zenith of her career, and Samar Singh Randhawa, a rising star in Bollywood. This narrative weaves a complex tapestry of murder and intrigue, set against a backdrop of significant events from India’s recent history. It’s a story that spans a decade, challenging the team to untangle a web of crimes that reflect the darker undercurrents of contemporary society.

What inspired you to delve into the genre of mystery thrillers, and what sets your book apart from others in the genre?

I've always had a passion for thrillers and a keen interest in politics. My journey began with writing short stories, which allowed me to understand the market and find my unique voice. Through these stories, I explored various genres, including magic realism and romance, before discovering my calling in the thriller genre. With a background in journalism and experience as a political consultant for the Government of India, research has always been a cornerstone of my work. Prior to writing my first novel, I conducted extensive market research to pinpoint the genre that would resonate most with readers. This research overwhelmingly pointed me towards thrillers.

Choosing to intertwine politics with the suspense of a thriller was a deliberate decision to craft a narrative that's not only engaging but also reflective of the lesser-known realities and untold stories of India's past. My aim was to create a political thriller that goes beyond being a conventional murder mystery, shedding light on the overlooked nuances of Indian history. As a writer, my hope is that the reader not only feels entertained but also gains a new perspective on India by the end.

How did you go about crafting the intricate plot and developing the suspenseful atmosphere that is characteristic of a great mystery thriller?

I believe that thorough research is vital in creating compelling thrillers. When I begin crafting a plot, my first step is to establish a compelling motive. I delve deep into the 'whys' behind the crimes, aiming to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the narrative's driving forces—blending real-life occurrences with fiction seamlessly. As a writer, I try to infuse factual accuracy into my fictional worlds by consulting history books, academic journals, and engaging with experts from diverse fields. Additionally, I find immense value in traveling to the locations where my stories unfold, as it adds an essential layer of authenticity and emotional depth to my storytelling.

Without giving away any spoilers, can you tease some of the twists and turns that readers can expect to encounter in your book?

Haha! Asking a thriller author to reveal even a single twist should be a crime in itself. All I will say is that the book has a powerful motive that will be tricky for readers to guess, along with an unexpected ending. It delves into how everyday basic things like cinema, books, apps, AI, and technology are used and exploited to propagate crimes in India. Any resemblance to real-life events is purely coincidental.

Did you draw inspiration from real-life events or individuals when creating the suspenseful elements of your novel, or was it entirely a product of your imagination?

The storylines of both novels are fictional, yet the narrative draws heavily from events in contemporary history. While my stories are fictional, they are set in real places in India, particularly focusing on the hinterlands and reflecting current events. The aim is to create thrillers that are relatable to both literature enthusiasts and the general audience. Using real instances or settings helps establish a sense of familiarity among readers, as evidenced by the feedback I've received via email, social media, and during signings. However, I can assure you that all the murders in my books are purely fictional, and I have no real-life experience in that regard (haha).

Are you planning to shift your focus on writing in a different genre than a mystery thriller?

I am open to trying my hand at primarily two genres: historical fiction with a strong emphasis on romance and magic realism. I have already received an offer to explore and delve into these genres. Regarding magic realism, I have written a short story called "The Legend of Birbal's Bull," which recounts the tale of one of India's legendary folklore characters and presents him in a new light in the 21st century. That said, my immediate next novel is a thriller set in Calcutta between the 1960s and 2022.

How do you look at movies that are made on books?

I believe it's a very positive trend that has garnered massive success both nationally and internationally. I am quite optimistic about the growing trend of book-to-screen adaptations. Movies adapted from books benefit from a well-researched and carefully written story, providing a strong foundation for production houses to build upon. In fact, my first book, 'Nobody Likes An Outsider,' is all set to be adapted into a Bollywood film. The experience of working with the production house and their team has been impeccable. Together, we are working on adapting it into a big-screen experience that satisfies moviegoers while also staying true to the essence of the story and the novel.