Banking, postal and other important services are likely to be affected on Tuesday as for the first time after Independence almost all labour unions have come together to call a day’s strike, demanding strict implementation of labour laws and increase in the minimum wages.


Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) leader Dipankar Mukherjee said “This is an unprecedented show of solidarity among the trade unions and workers across sectors. The UPA government does not have labour issues on its agenda. We have told them that there cannot be GDP growth without addressing issues like implementation of labour laws and increasing the minimum wages.”

There are about 11 central trade union and 5,000 smaller unions who refused to negotiate with the government during the last minutes talks called for by the government. The labour ministry on Friday had appealed to the trade unions to desist from going on strike.

The trade unions have been demanding minimum wages of Rs10,000 per person as against Rs3,000 -3500 in different states. Among others, the unions are demanding abolishment of contract labour by making all 5 crore contract labourers permanent in places of their work. The striking trade unions include the Left party supported CITU, UTUC, AITUC, and Congress’ INTUC, besides BMS, HMS, TUCI and NLO .

The trade unions are unhappy with the UPA government for not moving ahead with the implementation of Contract Labour Amendment Act, which will provide equal rights and wages to the contract labourers.

While the strike is likely to be fully effective in non-UPA governed states, the chief minister of Bengal has issued a circular to all government employees, warning against participation in the strike.