Day after snubbing Pakistan at SAARC meet, Sushma Swaraj is all set to give befitting reply to Islamabad’s Kashmir propaganda at the United Nations General Assembly in New York today.


Swaraj is scheduled to address the UNGA at 7:15 pm IST (09:45 a.m. New York Time) today.

Swaraj’s statement comes after Pakistan raked up the Kashmir issue and urged the United Nations to play role in the resolution. Islamabad has also accused New Delhi of human rights violations in Kashmir Valley. 

Last year, Swaraj had berated Pakistan over its continuous support for terror organizations. "We established scientific and technical institutions which are the pride of the world. But what has Pakistan offered to the world and indeed to its own people apart from terrorism?" Swaraj had said. ‘We produced scientists, scholars, doctors, engineers.’

What have you produced? You have produced have created terrorist camps, you have created Lashkar-e- Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen and Haqqani network," she had said, adding that if Pakistan had spent on its development what it has spent on developing terror, both Pakistan and the world would be safer and better-off today.

On Friday, Swaraj left a meeting of the SAARC foreign ministers early, which was attended by her Pakistani counterpart Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Swaraj attended the Informal Meeting of the SAARC Council of Ministers held here on the margins of the 73rd UN General Assembly and chaired by Foreign Minister of Nepal Pradeep Kumar Gyawali on Thursday.

After making her statement, she left the meeting early, prompting criticism from Qureshi who later told reporters, "no I didn't have any talk with her (Swaraj). On the positive gesture, I can say she left the meeting mid-way, may be she was not feeling well".

India had boycotted the 2016 SAARC summit citing Islamabad's unrelenting support to terrorist activities in India and and after Pakistan-based terrorists attacked an Indian Army base in Uri in Jammu and Kashmir.

Bhutan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan had also joined India in boycotting the summit.

(With agency inputs)