Taking time out of their busy lives, a group of youngsters from the city are working for families of defence personnel from Gujarat who have laid down their lives fighting for the nation. The 50-member East Zone Youth Organization (EZYO) was created after the martyrdom of major Rishikesh Ramani in June, 2009. Ramani was from Bapunagar. His sacrifice incited the youths to undertake activities for the welfare of the families of martyrs. "Ramani laid down his life at the young age of 27 while fighting for the nation. We then decided to do some work for his family," said Hiren Ramani, a member of the group. "Our old friends and classmates got together and created EZYO for welfare activities. Now we have more than 50 active members besides numerous volunteers," he said. "There are many NGOs and social workers who do social welfare activities, but there is no group which works exclusively for families of martyrs," said Navnit Patel, another member of EZYO. "Besides Ramani, 13 army men from Gujarat laid down their lives for the country. We met their families and extended support," said another member Hitesh Undavia. The group also help siblings and relatives of the defence personnel if they face difficulties with the government, along with monetary help. Ramani added, "Most of the men who laid their lives in wars were young and belonged to economically weaker section of the society. As nobody comes to help them, we decided to help and meet them personally to extend all possible help."The group's president Mukesh Chodvadiya and vice-president Mukesh Devalpalli said, "We extend all possible help to affected families and organise welfare programmes for them."The EZYO will hold a big function on Thursday at Vijay Chowk in Bapunagar. Besides prayers for the patriots, there will be a performance by a Maharashtra-based famous group 'Swar Ninad'. Till date, they have conducted two patriotic programmes in Bapunagar.