There is nothing new in municipal authorities investing in water harvesting systems but schools setting up such systems are a different matter. Many schools in Ahmedabad, including Sharda Mandir Vinay Mandir (SMVM), Shreyas Foundation and Swaminarayan Gurukul, have set up their own water harvesting units to ensure that their grounds don't get waterlogged. The systems also help keep the mosquito menace under check during the monsoon.


The municipal authorities recently launched an anti-mosquito and anti-malaria campaign as both tend to breed during monsoon. The city's schools have also joined the civic authorities in their drive against diseases.

SMVM recently set up a percolating well in their two school compounds by reversing a 700-ft bore well and turning this into an efficient water harvesting system. The well collects about 15,000 cubic litres of water every season, thereby keeping the school's 17,000-square-yard ground free of stagnant water.

"We pioneered this kind of water harvesting by reversing a bore well into a percolating well in 2006 and many schools from the city visited our campus at the request of the Ahmedabad Urban Development Authorities (AUDA) to follow our example."

The system set up by SMVM efficiently absorbs huge amount of rain water every season which helps to recharge two dry wells in the vicinity. "The students too can utilise the entire play ground even during the monsoon season. And besides, recharging the dried-up wells, the system has helped us tackle the over boarding menace of mosquitoes," Dave added.

The students of Shreyas School are given practical training in water harvesting using the water harvesting and conservation system at their school. "Every class is allotted an agricultural plot at the school so that students can learn to conserve water and rainwater harvesting," said Dr Vaishali Shah, the school principal.

The school not only uses these systems but also teaches students how to replicate them at home, if possible.

Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidyalayam Pratisthan (SGVP) had a rainwater harvesting system since its inception. Today the institute doesn't waste a single drop of water on its campus. Kanu Bhagat, a senior volunteer at SGVP, said, "We have developed a groundwater recharge well and all the rainwater that gets collected on the 50-60 acre campus of institute goes into this well. Moreover, we have a system of using waste water for gardening and other purposes. So we don't waste water in any case."