Of all the cities in Gujarat, Ahmedabad is the least safe for women. This is the finding of Gujarat State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) whose report for the year 2009-10 was tabled in the assembly on Monday. In contrast, the Dangs district, one of the least developed regions of Gujarat, has the lowest figures for crime against women.


The SHRC report, which is based on crime figures of the State Crime Record Bureau, covers serious crimes against women, including murder, rape, kidnapping, attempt to murder and dowry death. Other crimes, such as harassment, eve-teasing, abetment to suicide and serious injuries, are also covered by the report.

Ahmedabad city recorded 49 rapes in 2009-10, the highest in the state. Apart from this, there were 14 incidents of murder of women, 153 of kidnapping, 1429 cases of harassment, 7 of attempt to murder, 6 of dowry death, 96 cases of eve-teasing and 13 cases of attempt to suicide by women in the city in the same period.

Surat city is the second most unsafe city for women in Gujarat. With 22 women murdered, the city topped the state in the number of women killed in 2009-10.

Further, the city recorded 98 cases of kidnapping of women, 36 cases of abetment to suicide, 3 of dowry death, and 420 cases of harassment.

In sharp contrast to the major urban centres of the state, the Dangs district recorded, in 2009-10, the lowest figures for crime against women. Incidentally, there were no rapes or dowry deaths in this backward district in the same period.

The SHRC report further says that there were 3 incidents of murder of women, one of kidnapping, two cases of attempt to murder, two of harassment, one of eve-teasing, one of abetment to suicide, 3 of serious injuries, 2 of simple injuries and 3 cases of attempt to suicide by women in the Dangs in 2009-10.

The picture is no less gloomy in the matter of violation of human rights by the state's police. According to the SHRC report, the number of cases of violation of human rights by the state police department has increased in the last four years.  The situation has improved for minorities in the state. The SHRC report notes that, in the last four years, there had been a significant decline in the number of crimes committed against children and women belonging to the minority communities.