BlackBerry handsets and CCTV cameras. The bookies in the city who often manage to give the police the slip use these high-tech gadgets as their regular companions. In a sense, they do not operate without these gadgets.


While the BlackBerry device helps them in getting updates about the rates in the market, the CCTV camera helps them to keep an eye on those entering the premises from where they operate. In fact, the CCTV camera prompts them if a police team is approaching their den. Sunday’s raid on a betting den by personnel of Detection of Crime Branch (DCB) exposed how bookies use a network of CCTV cameras in their premises.     

Through these cameras, they monitor all activities around their place, especially police action. According to a source in the DCB, bookies use two doors at the place from where they operate. While one is used for entering the place, the other is used for exit. “The bookies use the exit door to run away in case there is a raid by the police,’’ he said.

Sources said that the bookies use technologically advanced wireless communication to run their businesses. “They use BlackBerry phones mainly to remain updated about the current rates across the globe and also to surf some infamous sites for knowing the rates,” said a police source.

Apart from a number of cellphones, laptops with internet connection are always found when there is a raid in bookies’ dens. “They know how to use high-end configuration laptops, some with even complex features,” added the police source.

Despite many raids and high-level vigilance by the police, there are still a large number of bookies who roam freely in the city and do illegal businesses. They use the latest gadgets very efficiently and effectively to dupe the police.

 “All the efforts go in vain as the bookies keep changing their hiding places and they do it on a regular basis,” added the police source.