DNA has learnt that the Congress has decided they will not employ any agency from outside to manage their election campaign in Gujarat, where assembly elections are scheduled to be held in December.


This decision was reached upon in a meeting attended by Ahmed Patel, political secretary to Congress President Sonia Gandhi, and Ashok Gehlot, general secretary in charge of Gujarat, apart from others in the Congress war room. Though Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi was not present since he was in Karnataka for organisational functions, the meeting was attended by Bharat Singh Solanki who heads the organisation of the Gujarat Congress.

Sources said that Rahul Gandhi will attend the meeting with Congress leaders at 3.30 pm on Thursday to seal the deal. Sources also said that Bharat Solanki would be at the forefront of the elections, but the party would fight the elections collectively. Sources told DNA that on Wednesday, the meeting lasted for more than 8 hours and it was decided that the party would take major calls collectively and in case a survey needs to be done, it would be outsourced. “We decided that Congress would fight elections and not outsource its campaign to an agency,’ said Bharat Solanki to DNA. Earlier, in case of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab, Prashant Kishore had been made incharge, which had caused a major heartburn to the party leaders. He was inducted after a stupendous win by Nitish Kumar who now happens to be the Chief Minister of Bihar heading a BJP government. The importance of this development is that Congress doesn’t want to outsource its election campign to people who are not clued in to the working of the Congress. In UP, it created a major problem which has left a lasting legacy.