It seems as if the civic management of the city has struck a chord internationally and is attracting administrations from other countries. A 15-member delegation from Afghanistan reached the city on Monday for a week-long study to see how the city's civic body supplies water to the entire city as well as their waste-water management.


The study tour headed by director general of Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation (AUWSSC) comprises directors and engineers from AUWSSC's regional units.

Speaking to DNA about their visit, general manager of AUWSSC, Mohammed Baheer said, "We want to study and learn two things - provision of water and the capacity development of water. We are here to learn the application and management of water issues in our country."

Baheer further said that the focus of the tour is to have an understanding towards good administration, management, financial, and customer services in urban water and waste-water systems.

The Afghani delegation visited the main building of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) and met the officials there. Also, the delegates visited the Kotarpur water treatment plant to understand and study water management.

The study is funded by USAID. The study tour has been organised under the CAWSA (commercialisation of Afghan water and sanitation activity) program being undertaken by International City/County Management Association's (ICMA) Kabul office for the AUWSSC.

When asked about the present status of the country, Baheer said that the entire country is going through rehabilitation and re-development.

"Our government has formed the Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS), based on which important issues will be given priority and their development will be carried out step-by-step. Presently, our country has recognised three issues which require immediate attention. We are working on providing basic amenities like water and electricity, sewerage and education."