Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Tuesday urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to act immediately on the unanimous resolution passed by the state assembly urging India to totally boycott the Commonwealth meet to be held in Colombo this month.


Forwarding the resolution adopted by the assembly this evening, she said there was groundswell of public and political opinion against the central government's decision to send a delegation led by External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid to Colombo even if Manmohan Singh has decided not to go.

"The Tamil Nadu assembly passed a resolution to again urge the government of India to totally boycott the CHOGM and related meetings to be held in Colombo," Jayalalithaa said.

She referred to an earlier resolution passed by the assembly urging the central government to boycott CHOGM and "take necessary action to have Sri Lanka temporarily suspended from the Commonwealth".

"Far from administering a stern message to the Sri Lankan government, this decision, which flies in the teeth of the unanimous resolution of the Tamil Nadu assembly of October 24, in fact a snub to the people of Tamil Nadu, giving short shrift to their sentiments," she said.

"There is now widespread disappointment and disillusionment at this stand of the government of India and a continuing sense of injustice in Tamil Nadu on this deeply emotive issue," Jayalalithaa added.