Accepting Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's apology, former Union Minister Kapil Sibal today said it was time to move ahead. 


Kejriwal on Monday apologised to Sibal and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, three days after he wrote a letter to Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Bikram Singh Majithia.

Sibal's son Amit had filed a defamation suit against Kejriwal for alleging that the then union minister had a conflict of interest in seeking to revise a tax demand on telecom major Vodafone. 


After Kejriwal's apology letter, Sibal said: "Kejriwal Ji and (Manish) Sisodia ji have accepted that the allegations they had put on me and my son in a press conference few years ago were baseless. They've apologised for the same today. He has apologised for what he did everything is forgotten now, we will move ahead."

As criticism mounted on the AAP leadership, Sisodia said  the leaders do not have the time to go to courts for such issues.

"We will apologise to people who we have hurt. We're here to serve the people, we do not have the time to go to courts for such issues. We're here to build schools & hospitals for the welfare of people,"  he said. 

In his letter to Gadkari, Kejriwal said, “I have nothing personal against you. I regret the same. Let us put the incident behind us and bring the court proceedings to a closure."


Kejriwal and Nitin Gadkari have filed a joint application seeking to withdraw the defamation case in Delhi's Patiala Court. The application comes after Kejriwal submitted a letter regretting making defamatory remarks against Gadkari.

Earlier, Kejriwal's letter to Majithia drove a wedge between the party's state and national units with Punjab AAPM MLA demanding that the state unit ought to have immunity.

The AAP chief's move landed the state leadership in a crisis and it had contemplated breaking away and forming a separate unit.