A picnic to Ratnagiri turned tragic for a family from Borivali after five of its members drowned in the sea on Sunday evening.


The seven-member family was headed for Ganpatipule, but decided to stop midway at Aare Ware beach. Six of them ventured into the water and got pulled in due to strong currents, said officials.

The deceased have been identified as Keneth Timothi Masters, 56, Monika Bento D'souza, 44, Sanomi Bento D'souza, 22, Ranchor Bento D'souza, 19, and Mathew Bento D'souza, 18.

Police sources said the incident took place around 5 pm. They said the locals had warned the family not to enter the sea, but they ignored the message. While they were enjoying in the sea, the water level increased suddenly and swallowed them.

Despite their efforts, officials said, the locals could save only one member, identified as Lina Keneth Masters, 52.

"I tried to stop them but they told me to sit. They then entered the sea," said 72-year-old Rita, eldest in the family.

"Due to the gusty wind, the victims could not judge the water level. They were swimming near a creek where it was a whirlpool kind of situation as the water of the sea enters the creek," said Pranay Ashok, SP, Ratnagiri.

All the bodies have been recovered and sent for post-mortem, he said. "The survivors are with us and we are taking care of them."

Ignored Warning

Police sources said the locals had warned the family not to venture into the sea, but they ignore the message. They were pulled in by strong currents