Amdavadis in the city are taking multi-tasking to a new level, with dangerous consequences to themselves and others. They not only manage to navigate the chaotic traffic of the city but also send a text or two from their mobile phones while driving.

The number of people caught texting or using a mobile phone while driving has seen a rise in the last three years. And the traffic cops are not exactly cheering the citizens for their multitasking skills. Around 12,030 people were caught using mobile phones while driving in 2007. With only two months remaining for 2009 to come to an end, the number of such offenders for the year has shot up to 42,998.

Men lead the offenders’ list, at least for 2009. Penalty collected by the traffic department has increased from Rs7,32,950 in 2007 to a staggering Rs30 lakh in 2009.

“Despite levying heavy fines on offenders, they just don’t learn the lesson. They continue to use mobile phones while driving, which is very dangerous. We have been very vigilant in catching such offenders but they fail to give up the habit,” said PI Yadav.

The average number of Amdavadis caught using a mobile phone while driving in a day has increased from 33 in 2007 to 119 in 2009.  The fine for an offender driving a two-wheeler and chatting on the phone is Rs50, while for a four wheeler it is Rs100.

Those who deal with such offenders say the fine is low. “Texting or speaking on the phone distracts you while driving. As a result you are forced to divert your concentration to two things at a time,” said Dr Bipin Shah, a psychologist. “A lack of attention is believed to be a contributing factor for 33% of fatal crashes and 45% of serious injuries in case of accidents in the city,” he said.

“Driving while using a mobile phone causes physical and mental distraction, significantly impairing reaction time, visual search patterns, ability to maintain speed and position on the road, ability to judge safe gaps in traffic and general awareness of other road users,” he said.