Around 400 tourists from Maharashtra stranded in Nepal after the crippling earthquake have been evacuated to India. Besides, while one tourist from Solapur has been killed, around 14 people from the state who were in Nepal when the disaster struck are still missing.The deceased was identified as Harish Mane from Solapur, and his body is being brought to Maharashtra through a private bus service.Around 1,000 people from Maharashtra were in Nepal at the time of the earthquake. "While we have confirmation for 400 people who have arrived in India, many are coming on their own without help from the authorities since commercial flights have started and roads have been opened up," said a senior state official from the state disaster management cell.The 14 people from Maharashtra who are still untraceable include a man from Raigad who was teaching at a school in Nepal, and individuals from districts like Nagpur, Buldhana and Yavatmal.Officials from the state disaster control room said they were making repeated calls to the relatives of the missing to ascertain if they had established contact or had returned home.The state has arranged for the rescued people to be housed at Maharashtra Sadan in New Delhi and will also make arrangements for these people to be brought back to Maharashtra from Delhi.The Maharashtra government has dispatched injections, medicines, bandages and gloves to the beleaguered country. Officials from the state disaster management cell said that they were using HAM radio to try and establish contact with those who were untraceable in Nepal.