Apart from replanting lost species of corals, the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) along with the forest department and Tata Chemical Limited are carrying out a coral rescue programme in Mithapur, Jamnagar.


They are trying to restore corals overturned due to waves or anthropogenic activities.

So far, around 200 colonies of coral reefs have been rescued due this programme. The third phase of the programme was carried out in July with 22 volunteers including the employees of Tata and two local fishermen.

The rescue programme involves restoring corals that have been upturned due to both natural and manmade factors. “Corals get overturned due to several reasons like moving them when fishing during low tide, anchoring of boats and even use of oars to move the boats,” said Subburaman, Field Officer, WTI.

He said that natural factors like strong currents can also lead to corals getting dislodged.

“When corals get overturned, they don’t get adequate sunlight and being sensitive, they suffer from stress. Corals are an important part of the marine eco-system and it is necessary for them to be protected as several other marine animals are dependent on them for their existence,” said Manoj Matwal, project lead, WTI.

Matwal added that restoring the corals ensures that they are exposed to proper sunlight. “We also re-visit the area to check how the coral reefs are faring,” he said.

The coral rescue programme is part of the Mithapur Coral reef recovery project. Subburaman said that the programme also involves participation of local fishermen as there is a need for them to be sensitised towards the importance of coral reefs in the marine eco-system.

The initial rescue programme had just 7 members. He stated that it was too early to know about the effects of the rescue programme.