PM Modi announces host of sops for farmers, women and marginalised section of society

WRITTEN BY DNA Web Team | Updated: Dec 31, 2016, 08:30 PM IST
Narendra Modi

PM Modi tries to soften the hardship of demonetization by announcing host of sops.

PM Modi in his New Year's eve speech saluted people for enduring hardship for the common cause of cleansing society of black money. He pointed out the benefits of demonetization and again explained why such a drastic step was necessary. Modi announced a host of decisions to uplift the weaker section of the society. Couple of housing schemes, easy credit for farmers and businessman, enhanced one time money for pregnant women and greater interest for senior citizens was announced by the Prime Minister. 


But the speech was devoid of any big bang decision which many were hoping for to back up the drastic demonetization step taken by PM Modi on November 8. For now PM clearly is looking to enhance the tax base, to ensure that the nuts and bolts of the monetary system works well and leakages are minimised to boost the overall economy of the country. 

PM Modi's New Year's Eve Speech at 7:30 PM | Live streaming and where to watch in India

Rahul Gandhi's demands: 

 Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi today put forth a charter of demands to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, asking him to lift the restrictions on cash withdrawals immediately and pay Rs 25,000 to every BPL family.Gandhi took to Twitter to highlight his demands ahead of Modi's second television address to the nation tonight after his surprise November 8 announcement to withdraw Rs 1,000 and old Rs 500 currency notes.The Congress vice president, a staunch critic of the government's decision to demonetize the notes, listed out his eight demands to Modi as the 50 days the prime minister had sought to normalise the situation expired yesterday and there still seem to have some issues with the availability of notes. 

Latest Updates

  • PM Modi says BHIM app has been launched to promote digital transactions. Modi stresses on clean up of political process and again repeats his plan of holding assembly and lok sabha elections today. 

    He says people should be inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and look to fight against all societal evils. 

    PM says there is no reason why our country should be left behind. 

  • PM Modi announces scheme for senior citizens. 8% interest on senior citizen's fixed deposit amount. 

  • Government to pay Rs 6000 to pregnant women for their balanced diet, vaccination etc. The amount will be directly deposited to their bank accounts. It will hopefully decrease Maternal Maternity rate, says PM Mpdi 

  • Under Pradhan Mantri Yawas Yojana, for making house in urban areas, 4% discount will be given for home loan upto Rs 9 lakh and 3% for home loan upto 12 lakh. For rural areas, 33% more homes will be made. 

    In rural areas, if people want to make their house or renovate their old house, 3% discount will be given on home loan upto Rs 2 lakh. 

    PM Modi says farmers have given stinging reply to what the opposition was saying. He says Ravi seed sowing is up 6%. 

    PM says farmers will get loan at a much cheaper rate. He says NABARD will now give loan at a cheaper rate and govt will pay for the loss NABARD endures. 

    Kisan credit cards will be converted to Rupay cards. 

    Govt has also taken some decisions for benefit of MSME. 

    Credit guaranty for small businessmen will be increased from Rs 1 crore to Rs 2 crore. Loans taken from NBFC will also be covered in this.  This hopefully will give a filip to small businessmen, according to PM Modi. 

    PM says working capital loan will be increased. 

  • PM Modi urges banks to be more inclusive and conduct their operation keeping in mind the condition of poor, middle class and the lower middle class. PM urges banks to be inspired by the philosophy of Pandit Deenadal Upadhyay. PM says short term and long term effect of inclusive banking will soon be felt. He stresses on the fact that social inclusion is the only way of making India strong. 

    He says government will bring some new schemes for the less fortunate today. 

  • Modi says govt officials have to ensure that they help the honest people. According to PM, black money is the pillar of all the illicit works that happens in the society. 

    PM claims youth are leaving violence to comeback to the mainstream post demonetization. According to Modi, there is very little hope for dishonest people to evade law. He praises bank officials for doing their best in this difficult times. PM Modi says some people have tried to misuse the banking system for their own benefit. He warns that they will not be spared. 

  • According to PM, only 24 lakh people claim that their salary is over Rs 10 lakh per annum. According to Modi, it is a shocking figure and completely off the mark. PM says that it is high time that the real figure is known. PM asks what will happen to the traitors? He says that the law will take its own course and take strict action. PM says govt is friend of the good people and will try to bring the deviant to the right path. 

  • According to PM, the old notes were circulating more in parallel economy than in the real one. He says inflation, black marketing where mainly due to this reason. PM says they will like to ensure that there  is very less unaccounted cash out of the economic system. 

    Modi cites names of luminaries like JP, Kamraj, Lohiya and says they would have praised demonetization. Modi says many people who were forced to do economy in cash are trying to come to mainstream post demonetization. PM says that he welcomes such endeavoure. 

  • According to Modi, this is a rare occasion in history where public and government are united to fight for truth. PM Modi acknowledges the hardship people have endured. He says many people wrote to him conveying their misery. 

    Modi claims people communicated to him thinking PM is his own person. Modi says that govt has asked all concerned authorities to ensure that banking situation gets back to normal. He says special attention will be given that banking in rural places are facilitated. 

  • According to PM Modi, the inner zeal of people has been clearly manifested in the past couple of months. He gives example of past events where people have shown resilience and zeal. He says crores of people are fighting a internal war against malice plaguing the society. According to Modi, people have endured enormous hardship to fight against evils in the society.  He says people have fought against propaganda to ensure that nation's future is secured. 

  • With new hope, and new endeavour, I welcome the new year, says PM. The country took a giant step towards purification shortly after Diwali. This will be a major step in guiding the path of India in the coming years, says PM Modi. Modi says black money had even made honest to bent its knee in front of the corrupt, They were victim of circuimstances. 

  • Totes 

    Makes sense 

    Jokes coming thick and fast. 

  • We are just 20 minutes away from PM Modi's speech and the whole nation is waiting with bated breath. There are even reports of drinking games based on words said by PM Modi. There is nervous expectation of  any radical announcement PM may make in his speech.