A man who candidly labels himself as ‘apolitical’, Parthi Bhatol, was recently selected for a second stint as the chairman of the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF). The chairman of Banas dairy, Bhatol managed to rein in the saffron brigade, preventing it from controlling the dairy co-operatives. Bhatol was unanimously selected again to the Rs6,711 crore-worth GCMMF, on Friday. Among the items in his to-do list, are plans to contribute to the progress of the dairy, work for the uplift of the 27 lakh milk producers in 13 district co-operatives and make Amul scale even newer heights of success under his leadership.

Despite the political race for GCMMF's top post, you managed to annex the chair for a second term. How do you feel?
With lakhs of people associated with the dairy co-operatives in 13 districts across the state, it isn't advisable to play politics in this sector when the dairy co-operatives' main aim is to work for the milk producers. But, you cannot restrict entry of politically motivated people nor their ambitious hopes to grab the top post at the federation. Despite some of their persistent efforts, I am glad I was unanimously re-elected as the GCMMF's chairman. However, I want to make it clear at this point - I am apolitical - I am not attached to any of the political parties!

Will you shed light on your agenda of work for the Amul brand
It's been a smooth sail so far in the GCMMF. Amul dairy recently found itself placed 16th among the list of world's 21 topmost dairies in the International Farm Comparison Network rankings. I hope to see that changed and Amul dairy placed among the top five dairies globally. To make this possible, the GCMMF has already started expanding its marketing networks by setting up more and more Amul parlours. The district dairy unions are also in the process of increasing milk procurement as well as enhancing capacity to process milk. If everything goes as per plan, we will definitely see Amul
one among world's top five dairies soon.

How do you intend to resolve farmers' problem from increased input cost?
Farmers are facing serious problems from increase in costs of raw materials and fodder for animals. One tonne of fodder which earlier cost Rs150 per tonne is now available at Rs10,000 per tonne. But, we cannot bring the prices down; we can only make representations to the state and the central government. We have already made representations to the central government to cut excise duty or ban export of particular raw materials so as to arrest escalating costs. 

Your battle strategy to consolidate your position as chairman amidst opposition?
I repeat my earlier statement: we cannot restrict politicians from entering the field of dairy. But I don't think there is any opposition now. I was selected unanimously as the chairman of the GCMMF, when Vipul Chaudhary (chairman of Mehsana dairy) had proposed my candidature, and Ramsinh Parmar (of Kaira district or Amul dairy) supported the move. Therefore, we will work hand in hand and the paramount task before us is to pass on financial benefits to the lakhs of milk producers — uneducated farmers and widows — to ensure them a better life.