Lead poisoning is once again making significant news these days, with several responsible companies announcing the voluntary recall of millions of toys, jewelry, makeup, glazed pottery and other products containing considerable amounts of lead.  While lead poisoning was once caused mainly by old paint, today high levels of lead is seen to be contained in several foreign products - mainly from China.


Exposure to lead and other chemicals can be from polluted air, water, soil, food, and consumer products.  In current times large supply of synthetic chemicals is used almost in all products from agricultural produce to body use products. Fruits are made to artificially look bigger and brighter. Consumer products such as body lotions, make-up such as lipstick, compact powder, hair gels and body soaps can all contribute to sources of toxin in our bodies.Sources of lead exposure was earlier attributed to deteriorated paint in older housing, since paint manufacturing companies once used lead-based paint. The lead from the paint could get deposited on floors, windowsills, eating and playing surfaces in the form of dust or in the form of dirt and soil outside the home. About two-thirds of the homes built before 1940, and one-half of the homes built during the decades of 1940 to 1960 contain lead-based paint. Some homes built before 1978 may also contain lead paint. Most paint made after 1978 contains no intentionally added lead, since it has been banned from use on the interior and exterior of homes.Earlier sources were also from emissions of leaded gasoline. However with the greener and clearer use of fuel such as CNG, this source is under considerable check. Airborne lead enters the body when you breathe or swallow lead particles or dust once it has settled. Lead can creep into drinking water from certain types of plumbing materials (lead pipes, copper pipes with lead solder, and brass faucets). Lead does not affect everyone equally. Young children, infants, and fetuses absorb more lead than adults. Small amount of lead may have little effect on an adult, but can have a large effect on a child who is still growing and developing. If a child is overexposed to lead it can cause disastrous consequences.  Some sources refer to learning disorders being a result of lead exposure. So serious is the resurgence of lead poisoning among children that the US department of public health is working on writing a new law to require testing of lead levels for those children who are entering school for the first time.Specialised detox clinics dealing with removing toxins from the body and cleansing the body of its impurities involve processes like colonics (flushing out the intestine), bowel cleanses/parasite cleanses, colonoscopy, allergy tests and blood tests for glucose/triglycerides levels. If all these results look good and there are persistent symptoms of  chronic fatigue , muscle pain or weakness, poor concentration, memory problems, food cravings, joint pains, night sweats, visual disturbances and digestive disorders, it may be time to check the lead levels in the body.