Thor: Ragnarok turned the Asgardian superhero's world upside down. He lost his hammer, his father Odin, his hair, and was stripped off his powers too.


Thor (Chris Hemsworth) regains his power but in the process of fighting Hela (Cate Blanchett), he loses one of his eyes. He gets an eye patch, just like the one his father had in Asgard and the one Nick Fury has on Earth.

What does this character change mean for the Norse God in Marvel Cinematic Universe?


Well, apart from the jabs he and Nick Fury will take at each other in the upcoming Avengers movie, it means that the patch is here to stay and the damage was permanent.

According to a report in Entertainment Weekly, director Taika Waititi said, "That kind of just evolved just throughout the script process, to just keep stripping that character down, having him lose the hammer and all those things and to kind of create a broken version of the character. At the end, he sort of becomes a refugee."

It is hard to miss the obvious references made to the refugee crisis currently haunting the world. Korg, the character played by Waititi, literally leads a revolution and brings a 'ship' to rescue the troubled Asgardian. Idris Elba's Heimdall provides a safe haven for the Asgardians when Hela unleashes her wrath. Jeff Goldblum's planet is literally the place where refugees from all realms come.


Chris Hemsworth backed Waititi saying that the eye patch is carried in Avengers: Infinity War.

With the new comic, sassy avatar of Thor and quick as whip wit of Nick Fury, there is no harm in hoping for those jabs and jokes.

The post-credit scenes

This might as well be a Marvel trademark. Unlike Guardians of Galaxy Vol 2 which had five post-credit scenes, Thor: Ragnarok has only two. One of them leads us to Avengers: Infinity War and second one leads to another Marvel short with The Grandmaster and Thor's roommate on Earth, Darryl.

Daley Pearson who played Darryl Jacobson in Marvel shorts that were part of Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange Blu-Ray set had shared set photos from the Brisbane set of the movie leading fans to speculate that Thor's roommate will make an appearance in the movie.

Then in an interview with Radio Times, Jeff Goldblum let out that he shot a scene with Jacobson, directed by Taika Waititi in which he shows up at Darryl's house and takes residence in the little flat. "That's what I do. And order things from the takeaway restaurant. Buy all the local foods."

Since the scene didn't end up as one of the post-credit scenes, there is a chance it will be part of Blu-Ray set whenever it comes out.

The other scene shows a gigantic ship crosses Thor's civilisation ship. Now there are two speculations being made. First is that ship belongs to Thanos who is collecting all the Infinity Stones. Because the structure of that ship looks similar to the Chitauri vessels we saw in the first Avengers movies. And given the celestial status of the supervillain, it is safe to say that either Thor or Guardians of the Galaxy will encounter Thanos before any other superhero in MCU.


The other less likely theory is about another refugee race The Korbinites led by Beta Ray Bill. In Thor Comics Beta Ray Bill and his sister Skuttlebutt attack Thor deeming their way of magic as a threat.

A mural of Beta Ray Bill's head appears on The Grandmaster's skyscraper on Sakaar but I am afraid this is what the Walt Simonson character will be limited to. Because including this arc in the current timeline makes no sense since we are closing in on the events of Infinity War. It could be part of fourth Thor movie if it's happening but then it will be a lot more difficult to explain the jumps in timeline yet again. There is a tiny chance that the Korbinites may do a cameo in Infinity War.

To get the answers to these speculations we will have to wait until April 25, 2018 when Avengers: Infinity War is set to release.