In a first, Walt Disney Animation Studios will run a new 21-minute featurette ahead of Disney Pixar's November 22 release Coco. The featurette is about Frozen snowman Olaf and his quest to find an apt holiday tradition for sisters Anna and Elsa.


This is the first time the two sisters will come together after spending most of their time estranged in the original Frozen animation movie. According to report in Entertainment Weekly, Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter said, "People forget that the first movie took place in the middle of summer, so this is really the first holiday season after the girls have come together, but what they’re realizing is that because they were separated for so long, they don’t have any family traditions. So, Olaf is so sad about this that he decides to step out with Sven the reindeer to go around Arendelle to find the greatest family tradition for Anna and Elsa."

Olaf's Frozen Adventure was supposed to be a television special. But because the makers felt that it is too cinematic for the small screen, it got bumped to theatrical release with Coco.

Both the animations follow the same theme. In Coco, Miguel will learn about his family traditions on Dia de Los Muertos. On the other hand, Olaf will learn about various traditions followed by different families and will stay committed to discovering everything he can about the holiday season. In the trailer, he curiously asks blunt questions like, "You cut down a tree and dress its corpse with ornaments!?"

Watch the trailer

The featurette will take the story forward after Frozen and Frozen on Broadway, leading to Frozen 2, which is set to arrive in November 2019. It will also have four new songs! But this time composed by new composing duo, Kate Anderson and Elyssa Samsel. One of them, 'When We're Together,' can be heard during the trailer. 

Josh Gad, Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, and Jonathan Groff are returning to lend their voices to the now iconic characters. The featurette is directed by Kevin Deters and Stevie Wermers-Skelton of Prep & Landing.