Toni Collette’s new horror flick “Hereditary” will scare the living daylights out of you, but guess what - the actress says she isn't a fan of working on “heavy films”. Collette, who plays Annie, a grief-stricken mother, in Hereditary, has previously starred in some 70 films, with only a handful focusing on horror.


“I was not looking to do a film like this. I had specifically said, “I’m sick of heavy, I don’t want to cry all the time at work anymore. I want to make some funny movies.My agent called and said, “I know what you said, but you need to read this.” And he was right. I loved it. I mean, I don’t know if “love” is the right word—it was more of a knowledge that I had to do it. It was so brilliantly written, so original. All actors really want is an opportunity to go for it, and I was given that opportunity in spades." 

Hereditary hits the theatres this June 22.