Latest teaser for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom shows off Jeff Goldblum's return as Dr Ian Malcolm! The teaser released on Thursday on Twitter as the run-up to the trailer reveal for Thursday (or Friday, depending on the time zone difference for India).


The 15-seconds-long teaser titled 'Nostalgia' begins with famous glass orb we saw in Jurassic Park on the cane of John Hammond (Richard Attenborough).

The orb containing a frozen mosquito skeleton breaks and we see Claire Dearing and Justice Smith's character caught between fire and a dinosaur. A voiceover asks, "Do you remember the first time you saw a dinosaur?"

The scene cuts to Dr Malcolm who utters the words, "Life finds a way."

Cue the chills and nostalgia for the fans of the original series. Also, permission to drool while Goldblum looks at the camera with all the intensity one can muster.

In a behind the scene featurette, the makers promised more dinosaurs and characters and next chapter of an exciting story. Colin Trevorrow, producer and writer of Fallen Kingdom said that it was important for them to balance the story on the characters new and old (maybe gadgets too, one can spot Samsung smart glasses in the featurette).

They have also made heavy use of animatronics to bring the prehistoric creatures to life.

Director JA Bayona said, "The challenge of making a sequel is finding the right balance between what people are expecting and what people would be surprised by."

Starring Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard in the leading roles, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom will release on June 7, 2018.