It's Infinity War time and one would expect a heated debate over veteran filmmaker James Cameron's remarks that superhero genre has been done to death.


But his observation that people will soon get "Avengers fatigue" does not worry Marvel Studios head, Kevin Feige, who is on cloud nine after knowing that the veteran filmmaker loves superhero films.

When a reporter for Vulture questioned Feige about Cameron's comments, he claimed he was hearing about it for the first time.

The scribe, who was attending an Avengers: Infinity War press conference here, brought the Marvel boss up to speed, reading Cameron's quotes.

"'There are other stories to tell besides, you know, hypogonadal males...'" the reporter said and Feige interjected, "Hypogonadal!" The reporter continued, "'Hypogonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process'. He also mentioned that Cameron had this rider to his criticism: "not that I don't love the movies".

Feige responded with a grin, saying, "Uh, he loves the movies!" He then stood up, pumped his arm and said, "That's awesome! Wow, James Cameron loves our movies! That's exciting!"