Actor Aidy Bryant has responded to the criticism of her new film I Feel Pretty, saying that it does not promote fat-shamming and fat-phobia in the society.


In the film, directed by Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein, actor Amy Schumer plays an everyday insecure woman who after falling off her bike during a spin class, wakes up with a newfound confidence.

Bryant recently shared a picture that features her with Schumer and another co-star Sasheer Zamata on her Instagram page.

One user wrote on their pic, "I think you're great Aidy Bryant, but from the previews I've seen of this movie, it's a huge step backwards for the feminist movement... I won't be supporting a movie that continues to perpetuate fat phobia and the notion that for a woman to be confident she needs to look a certain (read: thin, white, rich) way. The previews are extremely problematic and as a fat woman in Hollywood."

Bryant did not take the criticism lightly and said people should watch the film before they pass judgement.

"I hear what you're saying. I encourage you to see the film. I think you'll find that's not the case. I'm very proud to be in a movie that tells the story of someone who believes confidence is directly tied to looks but learns that confidence comes from within. It's a movie I wish I could have seen when I was 14," Bryant wrote back to the commenter.

"Through my short time in this industry, I have been sent all kinds of demeaning scripts where my body is the punchline. I choose my projects carefully with exactly these things in mind. Change cannot happen overnight and this movie is a step in the right direction," she added.