'Friends': 26 years after the first episode aired, here's looking back at what made 'The Pilot' so special

DNA Web Team | Updated: Sep 22, 2020, 02:52 PM IST

Today marks the 26th anniversary since the very first Friends episode 'The Pilot' or also known as 'The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate' hit our screens.

Friends has become one of the most celebrated sitcoms of all time, with the relatable troubles of six New York friends as they go through life giving us some of the funniest moments on TV. Today also marks the 26th anniversary since the very first Friends episode 'The Pilot' or also known as 'The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate' hit our screens. 


The pilot introduced us to Rachel, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler and Ross for the first time - so just to jog all our memories, here are some highlights from the first episode of FRIENDS. 

Friends first episode aired on September 22, 1994, and it was different because it was all about creating a new kind of family—the family you make, not the family you were born with. And a new kind of show—one that isn’t based around a happy marriage or a family with kids.

The character of Rachel played by Jennifer Aniston is presented as a model for women coming of age in the 1990s, the popular, pretty girl dissatisfied with where those illusions have taken her, willing to embrace the more aggressively "feminist" career-woman strategy.

The pilot episode managed to bring forth a competent and clear look of the series that would last 10 years and that would be a major phenomenon in the history of world television. 

As in the grand tradition of most American sitcoms, Friends' very first episode was known as 'The Pilot'. However, by the time it hit the DVD market, its name had been changed to 'The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate', 'The One Where It All Began' and 'The First One'.

Friends' pilot episode not only established the main settings, characters, their personalities, and theme of the series, but it also connected with the audience because of how relatable the messiness of their lives is, even to this day. It's fun to go back to the first episode after all these years and notice how much the characters changed over time as the series lasted for 10 years and still to this day is most talked about.