Zumba® is a fitness dance workout that has created a rage in India and around the world with its quick results and fun fitness style. It has helped several people shed kilos and tone their problem areas such as belly fat, thunder thighs and more. Sucheta Pal​, the woman who introduced India to Zumba®, is India’s only Zumba Education Specialist and Master Trainer. We had a quick chat with her about how this fitness workout works its wonder and why she calls it a ‘happy drug’.


Indians tend to have problem areas such as arms, hips, thighs, belly fat – how effective is Zumba® for such problems?

These are all problem areas for Indians and Zumba® helps to deal with all of them! Because Zumba® is dance related, it works on the entire body. It strengthens the core and burns up to 1000 calories while you have a great time. We also have Zumba® toning that is excellent for cutting down flab and toning up the body, especially the arms. Belly fat melts with Zumba®! There are so many exercises hidden in the Zumba® choreography which work wonders on the abdomen.

How many times a week should they do Zumba® for weight loss?

I would recommend at least 3-4 times a week to see results sooner. Read - Zumba is exercise in disguise says creator Beto Perez. 

Can people suffering from conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high BP also take up Zumba®?

Zumba® is a form of cardio workout, so it depends on what a doctor would recommend for people suffering from these diseases. I’ve had students who have arthritis absolutely rock the Zumba® class! We also have people who are cancer survivors and practise Zumba® regularly.

How many sessions does it take for one to see visible results? 

It varies from person to person. However, a minimum of 3 sessions a week should show visible results for many people. Also, you need to push yourself in a class. The higher you jump, the more you engage your core, all of it directly shows results! Also read – dance away your weight with Zumba.

Can thin people who do not want to lose weight also do Zumba®? How will it benefit them?

Zumba® isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about being healthy and happy. It’s a lifestyle. Zumba® makes you confident, makes your skin glow and makes you a happier person in general. There’s a reason why it’s called the happy drug! Here are 8 dance workouts to lose weight.

Originally published on www.thehealthsite.com